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Friday, November 12, 2004

GRotD: 'Redneck vote' is a liberal myth

Today's Good Read of the Day (GRotD) is Charles Krauthammer's debunking of this useful post-election analysis myth.

The one thing liberals most need to contemplate is the last thing they can bring themselves to: that large numbers of well-informed, well-meaning, intelligent, thoughtful people actually voted FOR Bush.


(Please keep in mind that each commenter's opinions are only his/her own.)

According to a republican....

Because Christian churches felt the need to not seperate state and church by registering voters at their churches and by preaching to their congregations about which candidate God apparently would accept over the other.

Of course Hispanics would vote for Bush, he's making them legal immigrants now. Not to mention that most hispanics are Catholic - therefore they would be voting under "moral obligations" as well. Women (especially married women) are most likely casting a vote against same-sex marriage or their husbands actually allowed them to go out and vote this time around, and maybe even told them who they should vote for. I wouldn't doubt it if they're rednecks, or Christian women usually told not to think for themselves. Catholics are Christian too, seniors are usually Christians which is evident when you see pictures of Christian churches all filled with white hair. Oh, and African-Americans are the MOST homophobic, and yet had the most homosexual men.. and are mostly baptist Christians...now you ask on what does this victory-of-the-homophobic-evangelical rest?"

I think society thinks it's more a victory to homophobic-CHRISTIANITY in general...Evangelical Christians get the worst of it merely because they're the most oppressive to other religions of all Christians. It's becoming apparent to the rest of society that Christians are fundamentalists and apologetics that want to "save everyone" by controlling everyone...kind of like the crusades, minus the swords to your throat that force you to convert. You can ask Islam about that if you're not familiar with it....perhaps explain to them why their jihad is wrong, but Christians were allowed to have a jihad hundreds and hundreds of years ago. Scriptures shouldn't control the laws regardless because other religious teachings say completely opposite things and you're infriging on those religious. Christians don't even agree on interpretations of scriptures 100% so why make that your reason for law making?

So to answer your question...why are Liberals pissed at Christians...hmm...lets see.....

They rallied around Bush in their churches - which is wrong to begin with. A church is not a place for political campaigning. There's already enough cultish brainwashing and propoganda going on as it is. It's bad enough that they campaigned under religious grounds and John Kerry is religious! So now Catholics aren't as good as Evangelical Christians?? They want to ban abortion which is a woman's choice and shouldn't be controlled by government (who just so happen to be a majority of men). Not to mention that this issue has been resolved and is just sending Americans back in time. They made homoseuxality the big issue once they discovered that Bush sucked in the debates. How could Bush win after he made a fool of himself unless they made the election into Morals.

You really should be focusing on unemployment, education, health care and war, but everyone knows that the Christians care about morals, more than people. Wow, that's Christianity....or not. Who cares about homosexuals when millions can't feed their families or take them to the doctors when they're sick?

Who can call themselves pro-life and Christian for that matter and agree with thousands dying in Iraq? Especially when it's an unjust war to begin with.

So I'm assuming that yeah, the liberals are pissed at Christians because their preaching made this election into a moral issue above all and all the masses of people without employment, without health care, and without their son or daughter thanks to Iraq were forgotten because homosexuality and abortion areapparently the big issue. Give me a break! Because I'll tell you what...abortions have never been so high as under Bush's rule. I'm sure it will increase too because Bush has failed to set up a pro-life society with proper social programs, and a proper economy to begin with.

So the liberals wanted to help their country and now instead they'll be another 4 years of people being forgotten. Of poor families children dying for oil and to help fill the pockets of rich man who won't send their children to die for their greed. It's should take 4 years to figure out if Canadian drugs are safe because the bottom line is they are safe and there's no difference between them.
Focus on the big stuff rather than using a diversion and drawing attention away from the real problems.

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