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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The latest AP antagonism: soldiers' animal cruelty!

Here's the AP's latest antagonistic angle on the U.S. military: Army Town Struggles to Save Abandoned Pets. Full of juicy quotes painting soldiers and their families with a broad brush.

Note that the AP doesn't give us any perspective on how many pets these shelters were taking in before Afghanistan and Iraq, nor do they compare statistics to the general population or other parts of the country. All we get are the perceptions of interviewees: Beate Hall ("I would say 95 percent of these animals come from military homes"), Steve Albin ("there's still the 5 percent of the military..."), and Linda Cordry ("...they had to belong to somebody...")

Cordry says she's found an abundance of dogs in military neighborhoods — from emaciated dogs in back yards of vacated homes to puppies left in Dumpsters.

Dogs in back yards of vacated homes--can't the owner be traced and prosecuted for animal cruelty? Kind of a glaring omission, isn't it?

"They're all dogs of war to me." Apparently, they're all dogs of war to the AP, too.


(Please keep in mind that each commenter's opinions are only his/her own.)

That's right...military family, military deploying....military home with for sale sign...b/c little wifey poo couldn't handle being in the community where hubby was deployed...she goes home to family....the hell with the family pet....pets are not garbage, they are supposed to be members of your family, rather than being disposable.

That's the implication. Where's the evidence? Your loaded language ("little wifey poo") suggests you live your life by your prejudices. Fine. Your choice.

I need evidence.

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