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Look closer. Think harder. Choose the sound argument over the clever one.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Troll Logic and Eeyore Chow
An excellent lesson on psychological warfare.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Obama/Ayers - More Evidence
More evidence that Obama misled the public on his relationship with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers: their offices were on the same floor of the same building, for three years.
If anyone cares...
Via GatewayPundit
Saturday, October 11, 2008
File under: Culture War
An amazing piece of clarity, from Newsweek of all places: The Pornification Of A Generation:
And then, says Scott, an English professor at a small college in Georgia, "I realized porn culture and I were in a death match for my daughter's soul."This would be one front of the "culture war" that many scoff at.
In a market that sells high heels for babies and thongs for tweens, it doesn't take a genius to see that sex, if not porn, has invaded our lives.
... the influence of porn on mainstream culture is affecting our self perceptions and behavior—in everything from fashion to body image to how we conceptualize our sexuality.
It's too early to know exactly how kids who grow up in this hypersexualized environment will be affected in the long term. But Scott and his coauthor say it's not too soon—or too prudish—to sound the alarm, and to look critically at the sexualized culture we're exposed to every day. ...
... porn themes have gone from adult entertainment to prime time, seeping into nearly every aspect of popular culture. Sarracino and Scott define "porning" as the way advertising and society in general have borrowed from the ideas and characteristics central to most American pornography: sex as commodity, sexuality as overt, narrow views of women and male-female relationships, bad girls and dirty boys, domination and submission.
In music, for instance, the progression is the same. First it's subtly sung between the lines, then more overtly, then with a smirk, then the pretense is dropped altogether, and we celebrate our "liberation." And when we we're dropping the pretense about one thing, we're starting the next down that same path. (Sex, promiscuity, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, and now prostitution.)
The prevalence or porn leaves today's children with a lot of conflicting ideas and misconceptions, says Lyn Mikel Brown, the coauthor of "Packaging Girlhood," about marketers' influence on teen girls. "All this sex gives a misinformed notion of what it means to be grown-up." ... Kids are less likely to know when and how to express themselves sexually—or what behavior crosses the border into sexual harassment.
No kidding.
Last year, the American Psychological Association put out a compelling report that described the sexualization of young girls: a process that entails being stripped of all value except the sexual use to which they might be put. Once they subscribe to that belief, say some psychologists, those girls begin to self-objectify—with consequences ranging from cognitive problems to depression and eating disorders.
... Today, terms like slut and whore are commonplace among teens. ...
It's the porn ideal of sex as commodity in a competitive market—and to see rapper Nelly swipe a credit card through a young girl's backside in a music video only reaffirms that notion. It's artificiality as a replacement for authenticity ...