Look closer. Think harder. Choose the sound argument over the clever one.

Monday, February 28, 2005

PM Debunks 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Hats off to Popular Mechanics Magazine for going after the abundance of 9/11 conspiracy theories. Though an endless task (as new theories are conjured every hour), The Scrutinator enthusiastically applauds this scrutiny.

Hat-tip: Instapundit

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Confessions of a 'Salivating Moron'

Another must-read today: The Columbia Journalism Review accuses bloggers of being "salivating morons who make up the lynch mob" (against CNN's Eason Jordan). John Armor responds with perspective and wit.
As with all movements, the blogosphere has its distinctions between those who think through and lead the efforts, and those who either join in later or cheer from the sidelines. The difference is much the same as between English footballers, who can be sent off for minor infractions, and their fans, who can be head-cracking hooligans. Separating one from the other is a matter of research on bloggers....

The very use of the phrase “lynch mob” implies that we “killed” Jordan and that he might have been innocent. The available facts indicate that Jordan was guilty. He apparently agreed, because he “resigned” to avoid “embarrassment” to CNN. And by the way, we still want to see the tape from Davos so everyone will know exactly what Jordan said. Unlike the MSM, we are in the truth business; Jordangate isn’t finished yet....

How sad that the Review, the voice of Columbia and purported voice of the journalism profession, does not think the pursuit of the truth is basic to reporting.

Hat-tip: Powerline

Jack Kelly: [Iraq is] All but won

Jack Kelly: All but won: "The media can't see that Iraq is close to secure."

Hat-tip: Powerline

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Free the Iranian Bloggers

Committee to Protect Bloggers
(Hat-tip, Hugh Hewitt.)

Monday, February 21, 2005

Malcom Muggeridge on Karl Marx

Malcom Muggeridge, in his book A Third Testament, contrasts Soren Kierkegaard's and Karl Marx's predictions:
In 1848, a time of great turmoil in Europe, two significant voices were raised, both, at the same time, obscure and little heeded. One, Karl Marx's, proclaimed the ultimate and inevitable triumph of the prolatariat in a world-wide class war, to be followed by the creation of a classless, socialist utopia, in which all government, all law, all exploitation of man by man, would wither away, and the human race live happily ever after.

The other voice, Kierkegaard's, scornfully dismissed such collectivist hopes for mankind as infallibly leading to a new and more comprehensive form of servitude. The divine right of kings had been abolished, but the divine right of the people which had replace it would prove, Kierkegaard insisted, on an even worse deception, and would give rise to regimes that exceeded any hitherto known in their brutality and claims to omniscience. I am the people -- Le peuple, c'est moi -- was an even more insanely arrogant claim than the famous one of Louis XIV's, L'Etat, c'est moi -- I am the state.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Political Quiz

This quiz distills down the issues and perceptions that put you on one side of the political spectrum or the other. (Unanswered questions seem to skew you to the left.)

Hat-tip: e-mail from my friend Todd F.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

CNN's Eason Jordan Resigns Over Iraq Remarks

From the Washington Post, CNN's Jordan Resigns Over Iraq Remarks:
"No definitive account of what Jordan said at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Jan. 27 has been made public, including the forum's videotape of the off-the-record session."

That would be the post hoc off-the-record session.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

"Blind Sheikh's" Accomplice Guilty

From the Newsday story: New York City: Rights lawyer convicted of helping terrorists)

Powerline comments:

Peter Margulies, a law professor at Roger Williams University, summed up the case quite well, in my opinion: "I think lawyers need to be advocates, but they don't need to be accomplices."

We have often commented on how many leftists have seamlessly taken up the cause of Islamic fascism--a movement that superficially seems to have little in common with Marxism or other forms of Western socialism. The alliance between the Western left and Islamism suggests that Western radicalism was always mostly about hating the West in general, and especially, America.

I don't think it was always "mostly about hating the West in general, and especially, America." But as each leftist experiment winds up a horrific blood-bath, that's the safest position in which to hunker down. And tearing down America doesn't require one to actually build anything--keeping oneself safe from ridicule.

David Horowitz is the prophet, the guru.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

WindsOfChange: Anti-War Questions

WindsOfChange.net presents a list of very significant questions to be pondererd by the left.

And don't miss this question (down in the comments)...

Which is more antithetical to Liberalism, American Conservatism or Sharia?

(Hat-tip: Instapundit)

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Contrasts: the Iraqi Election

Excited Iraqis vote in US
These Iraqi voters obviously don't have the properly "enlightened" view (below).

Americans apologize for liberating Iraq

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